I decided I wouldn't spend any money on beer for a week. But the fridge was empty, so before officially enacting the No Money for Beer policy, I went to the nearest liquor store, determined to get the cheapest 30 rack on the shelves. For the not-so-low price of $15.99, my options were Busch Light, Milwaukee's Best, Natty Light, or PBR (the clear winner here). So PBR would be my drink of choice for the coming week, and I would otherwise rely on the kindness and generosity of others. The first such act of kindness came when a colleague bought me a beer for St. Patty's Day. I went with a Guinness (notes on this beer: booring), for novelty's sake.
A visit with family over the weekend meant I had a free pass at the beers in their fridge, mostly the leftovers that no one else has wanted to drink. I started with a Rolling Rock Extra Pale (notes: boooooooring) and then a MGD 64 (notes: bleeeeeccchhhhh). Easily one of the worst beers I've ever had, and with an ABV of 2.8%, I have to wonder why anyone would ever bother drinking this. Things were looking grim.
As if he sensed my distress, my dad came to my rescue with two big bottles of Woodstock Inn Brewery Kanc County Maple Porter and Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout. The maple porter was smooth and not too sweet. It would have made a decent nut brown ale, but it was a lousy porter. Sam Smith's was delicious, but already on the list. Later my dad also bought me some delicious Ipswich Ale (probably out of pity after watching me struggle to drink the MGD 64).
After a week and half of my beer spending freeze, feeling pretty proud of myself and dreading coming home to yet another can of PBR, I decided I deserved something better. In a much anticipated trip to the liquor store, we picked a Butternuts variety pack, mostly because the cans looked like fun. I was excited. First up was Butternuts Snapperhead IPA. I decided to write my first formal beer review while drinking this one:
iPhone autocorrected bleh to Borg. Whatever. |
Average grade of the six new beers = D+. What a rough week.
Beers down: 108
Beers to go: 257